Disclaimer: Disclaimer: IZJAVA Avtor izjavlja, da so ali bodo fotografije izdelane v omejeni izdaji t.j. v določenem številu izvodov. Vse fotografije so označene s številko, ki pomeni zaporedno številko fotografije v izdaji. Število izvodov v omejeni izdaji (LE) se nanaša na negativ oz. izvorno RAW datoteko in je neodvisno od obdelave, formata ali tehnike. Cena fotografije narašča s številko izvoda (N) znotraj edicije (LE). Najnižjo ceno ima prvi izvod (1/LE), najvišjo ceno zadnji (LE/LE). Fotograf nima obveznosti izdelati vseh fotografij znotraj LE naenkrat, fotografije znotraj LE se lahko tudi razlikujejo v tehniki izdelave in celo formatu izdelave, le da morajo biti zaporedno numerirane in ne glede na tehniko ali format imeti višjo ceno z višjim številom znotraj edicije. Najnižjo ceno in korak višanja določi fotograf prostovoljno. Vsaka izvod v prodaji mora imeti avtorjev podpis. S tem avtor potrjuje za njega sprejemljivo kvaliteto izdelave. Fotografija brez podpisa nima vrednosti, ker ne more izkazati avtorjeve privolitve v kvaliteto izdelave. Razstave kopije imajo posebno oznako (E.P. ali E.C.) in zaradi poškodb in izpostavljenosti osvetlitvi niso del izvodov v izdaji, običajno pa tudi niso podpisane. Poleg tega poznamo tudi črkovne oznake TC - testna kopija, EA - avtorjev izvod (za lastno promocijo in zbirko), HC - nekomercijalni izvod (npr. izvod namenjen sodelavcem pri projektu). Ti so podpisani in označeni z zaporedno številko izdaje, njihovo skupno število pa ne sme presegati 1/10 omejene izdaje oz. je lahko v primeru izdaje manjše od 10 izvodov največ en izvod. DISCLAIMER The author hereby declares that the photographs have been or will be produced in a limited edition - in a certain number of copies. All photographs are marked by a number, which represents the sequential number of the photography within the edition. The number of copies within a limited edition (LE) refers to the negative or the original RAW file and is independent of processing, format or technique. The price of the photograph increases with the number of copies (N) within the edition (LE). The first copy (1/LE) holds the lowest price, and the last copy (LE/LE) the highest price. The photographer has no obligation to produce all the photographs within the LE at the same time. The photographs within the LE can differ in the technique of production, but must still be sequentially numbered and must increase in price with each number in the edition regardless of technique or format. The lowest price and rise in price increment is determined by the photographer individually. Each copy for sale must bear the author’s signature. The author thus confirms that the image has been produced to a satisfactory level of quality. A photograph without a signature has no value since it does not confirm that the author agrees with the quality of its production. Exhibition copies hold a special designation (EP or EC) and are not part of the edition due to damage and exposure to lighting. They are usually also unsigned. Additionally, photographic images can be marked as TC – test copy, EA – artist’s proof (for self promotion and collection) or HC – non-commercial copy (e.g. a copy for collaborators in the project). These prints must also be signed and marked with the sequential number of the edition, whose total number should not exceed 1/10 of the limited edition, or should be no more than one copy if the edition consists of less than 10 copies.